18 Feb 2025
- New dashboard screen, allowing KPIs to be shown in configurable widgets.
- Dashboard widgets for existing energy, shipping and ecology KPIs.
- Fish biomass versus catch comparison widget.
- Support for policies that affect specific geometry, this currently includes ‘seasonal bans’ and ‘buffer zones’ for marine protected areas. These policies can be edited in the geometry tool, and viewed in the geometry’s properties window.
- New ‘eco gear’ general policy: mandating the use of ecological fishing gear. This policy is not available for all regions.
- Tutorial flow improvements preventing the accidental skipping or reversing of steps.
- Resolved a bug that caused issues when editing polygons with holes.
- The fishing effort policy behaves differently on regions with national fishing fleets: effort is no longer dependent on other countries.
- Added extendable policy system. Allowing new fisheries management features: Seasonal Bans, Buffer Zones and Ecological Fishing Gear.
- Support for national fishing fleets from the EwE model.
- New Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) region.
- New Western Batlic Sea (WBS) region.
- Fleet and species catch support. This is not enabled for older regions as it requires specific implementation in the EwE model. Currently it is only enabled in the EMS and WBS regions.
- Server technology upgrades. From Symfony 5.4 + Caddy + php-fpm + php 8.1 to Symfony 6.4 + FrankenPHP + php 8.2.
- Enabled Docker log rotation.
- For dev. environments, command history is kept in the php docker container.
- Blackfire profiling code is disabled unless BLACKFIRE_APM_ENABLED is set.
- Various bug fixes incl. memory leak fix and working with docker env. vars correctly like port changes.
- Added websocket server console views including a new profiler view (enabled with command line –p)
- All configs have been updated to config version 2.0.0.
- Added search functionality to drop downs by typing.
- Updated to version 2.0.0 - supporting the new fisheries management features
- Added a version check for supported config files.
- Support for Scriban templates. In short: the .json “config source” file opened in the config editor can use Scriban variables, and even loops. On saving, alongside the .json file, a .json.scriban file is saved, which is a Scriban template. That template can be “filled-in” by other software, resulting into the final .json config file. E.g. we use EwE/Ecopath to feed data into the final .json config file.
- New DataSourceFieldDrawer which is a drop down sourced by external data, currently a text file. Can be extended to other external sources like databases. Also incorporates a constraint that checks if the value exists in the source.
- DataSourceField is applied to the layer_tags field, sourcing from an external file layer_tags.txt in the StreamingAssets folder.
- Dictionary and list should create the children's drawers even if they are not shown . This is useful when pasting a container structure from clipboard.
- Added new predefined policy settings to the policy settings section.
- Updated unity version to 2022.3.20f1.
21 May 2024
- Support to zoom in to a smaller play area. Used by new Western Baltic Sea sessions.
- Upgrade to Unity 2022.3.20f1 LTS
- KPI window improvements:
- Added unit support for "grams per square meter"
- Removed tag "<sup>...</sup>" from graph tooltip
- Fixed null reference
- Tutorial fixes:
- Text line layout improvement
- Do not allow certain actions in the main menu
- Use projection - if any - from the session config file
- .env.local changes required, see Docker server installation
- New Western Baltic sea configuration
- Support for docker desktop 4.26+. Fixes error: Bind for failed: port is already allocated
- Configuration field "initialFishingDistribution" in MEL/fishing is optional now
- Added support for layer configuration field "layer_tags". Added to the North sea one. Used by POV project.
- Added analytics logging
- Session creations are handled by our new Messanger consumer service now
- Result cache support
- Session save and load issues in docker have been fixed
- fixes issue that restriction_layer_exceptions as an empty JSON array is interpreted as null
- Support for larger game save uploads or downloads
- Docker database port configuration improvements
- Improve log viewing in ServerManager
19 Jan 2024
- Adds a new video under Intro (in turn available in the main menu on the left-hand side when you first open the client) explaining in a bit more detail what the main features of MSP Challenge actually are for an end-user
- Fixes issue that session list would show empty or error if a previously saved session had been reloaded in the Server Manager.
- Fixes issues that the Server Manager wouldn't download or upload big session saves.
- Fixes issue that the Server Manager wouldn't properly reload as a new session a previously saved session.
- Fixes issue that the Server Manager wouldn't create and offer as download a session configuration file exported from an already created session.
- Fixes issue that a fishing effort decrease plan (or any kind of change really) wouldn't be implemented correctly. A plan to decrease would actually lead to an increase before.
- Minor updates to the Docker configuration, resulting from minor updates to the original images we are using.
- Updates configuration file layer type definition variable 'map_type'. This variable now accepts an integer or float range as well. Bumps to v1.1.0. See preliminary documentation here.
13 Oct 2023
- Communicates with the server using JSON Web Tokens instead of our own custom token solution
- Sends its own version number (e.g. 4.0.0) to the server, so the server can determine if it supports it
- Processes the received server version number (e.g. 4.0.0) to determine if it supports it
- Now supports Docker! This also means that you can now finally also run the server on a Linux machine! Woohoo!
- Creates and checks JSON Web Tokens when an authorized client attempts a connection, instead of our own custom token solution
- Makes sure the connected simulations (MEL, SEL, CEL , ...) know which JSON Web Token to use when they communicate back to the server
- Processes the received client version number (e.g. 4.0.0) to determine if it supports it
- Sends its own version number (e.g. 4.0.0) as well as the version number of separate server components (e.g. MEL, SEL, CEL, ... versions 1.0.0) to the client, so the client can determine if it supports them
- Removes minimum and maximum accepted client versions from the metadata object
- Actually adds a value to the editor_version variable under the metadata object (namely 1.0.0)
- Adds the variable config_version under the metadata object to indicate the version of the data structure applied in the configuration file
11 Jul 2023
- Now offers reasons a certain plan would require approval from certain other countries
- Now by default obligates approval from all countries when fishing fleet effort policy is changed (even if it only concerns one country)
- Updates layer and map icons
- Offers a server description in the Sessions screen, if available
- Finishes first versions of help overlays (under ? icon) for all windows
- Fixes bug asking confirmation twice when deleting an objective
- Fixes bug sometimes crashing the client when returning to server login / sessions screen
- Fixes bug with and improves plan message window
- Fixes bug with Read More links under News (Mac only)
- Fixes bug with Shipping Safety Zones and Fishing Effort policy plan updates
- Fixes bug with updating restrictions between layers after a geometry change
- Sends a server description to connecting clients, configurable through the Server Manager's Settings tab
- Completes profiles of all countries involved in current sea basin editions on the Knowledge Base
- Harmonises layer and layer type names, colourings, and icon use between different sea basin editions, thereby also improving accessibility
- North Sea edition now no longer has the National Shipping Lanes layer to plan with
- Baltic Sea edition's shipping simulation bug fix, related to Sodertalje fairways
- Updates/fixes ecosystem pressures in different sea basin editions
- First experimental version of Docker containers - available for testing, use at own risk!
- Now accepts pure string text for layer's category and sub-category
- Now accepts under MEL (ecosystem simulation) a boolean stipulating whether all countries should approve any change to any fishing fleet efforts
- Adds Bathing sprite as an option for map icons
18 Apr 2023
- Now opens in windowed mode by default rather than full screen
- Now opens all web links in the user's own default browser external to the game, rather than an in-game browser
- Turns logo in top-left corner to a team colour indicator, with a window showing other team members currently logged in
- Adds first versions of Help overlays for a lot of the windows (more and more polish to come)
- Upgrades design and functioning of the Objectives Monitor, removes the separate small KPI windows as they are redundant
- Bug fix: rescaling the GUI no longer offsets geometry multi-select during plan editing
- Bug fix: News in opening/log-in screen now shown in correct order
- Adds API endpoint for returning currently logged-in user list
- First polish on the shipped edition configuration files (North Sea, Baltic Sea, etc.) to harmonise and simplify terminology and colour coding (more to come)
- Bug fix: Demo sessions now automatically restart again
- Bug fix: websocket service now properly returns a plan's energy grid to the client
29 Mar 2023
- Completely new graphical user interface design
- New opening screen, more user-friendly experience, particularly for first-time users
- Main options/buttons moved from the top to the left to save space, now that monitors are generally wider
- Redesigned layer select and legend window (used to be called 'active layers' window), layers can now be text-searched as well
- Redesigned plan creation workflow and resulting windows
- Redesigned plans monitor, plans can now be ordered in different ways as well
- New tutorial mode added to help first-time users understand what this is all about and how things work (also making all old Youtube tutorial videos now irrelevant)
- Option to return to opening screen, so you don't have to shut down the game to switch sessions anymore
- Further porting into Symfony (this will continue with every release)
- Improvements to client-server communications
- New graphical user interface design also applied to Server Manager, Knowledge Base, Community Wiki and main website
- Complete redo of our authorisation service now under, based on Symfony and Webpack
- Assorted bug fixes, notably concerning energy plans and the websocket service
14 Jul 2022
- Completely new design of the Impact Tool (icon in top-right corner), now based on hierarchical edge bundling
- Overhaul of communication with the server, now receiving updates through a separate websocket connection
- Updated to Unity version 2020.3.31f1
- Assorted smaller bug fixes
- Overhaul of communication with the client, now sending updates through a separate websocket service
- First introduction of Symfony 5.4 PHP framework (future versions will integrate with it much more strongly), which partially made the websocket service possible
- Overhaul of Knowledge Base; now each layer has its own page with tabs explaining any sea basin specifics (rather than the other way around)
- Knowledge Base also simply has more and more pages with relevant content
- All default session configurations (North, Baltic, Adriatic Sea, North Sea Digitwin, Clyde Marine Region) now refer to many more relevant Knowledge Base pages
- Refactor of the full platform installer, now using portable version of XAMPP, and of course now installing Symfony and all its dependencies
- Altered format of the 'dependencies' object, required to feed the Impact Tool (see Client) with data. As a result configuration files developed/altered with Configuration Editor beta9 can unfortunately no longer be loaded in beta10. Read more about this on the installation page.
11 Feb 2022
- Complete deprecation of concurrent layer requests during loading
- Fixes problem of sometimes not showing KPIs (ecology, shipping and/or energy)
- Fixes problem of certain values or null values of raster layers not being shown
- Incomplete polygon or line drawings are now no longer stored on the server
- No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
- No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
2 Dec 2021
- Tooltips no longer hidden underneath drowndown menus
- Loading screen no longer overburdening the server with concurrent layer requests
- No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
- No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
24 Nov 2021
- Code signed to disable OS / anti-virus / browser warnings (also applies to all installers)
- New feature: Impact Tool (icon in top-right corner)
- Altered server communication
- Assorted bug fixes, particularly concerning missing plan updates
- Contains new North Sea Digitwin configuration file with which to create server sessions.
- Contains new Adriatic Sea configuration file with which to create server sessions.
- Watchdog now handles simulation tick checks instead of the client
- UpdateServerList script to sync ServerManager database with key data from session databases is now deprecated
- MEL now only runs if required raster files are actually available
- ServerManager session details GUI updated
- Assorted bug fixes to ServerManager
- Accepts an additional 'dependencies' object, required to feed the Impact Tool (see Client) with data
21 Apr 2021
- Fixes invalid geometry errors returned for lots of complex existing polygons
- Fixes database migration error when logging on to the Server Manager for the very first time after installation
- Fixes occasional player login bug when the session has no player password defined
No change (this is a client/server hotfix release)
14 Apr 2021
- Enables more advanced authentication and logged-on user count (see also Server column)
- Fixes problem obtaining output from external LCoE API (North Sea Digitwin specific problem)
- Fixes very minor GUI issues
- Allows more advanced session end-user authentication, notably logging on with an MSP Challenge account or through some other authentication provider
- Enables defining other GeoServers in ServerManager
- Enables upgrading existing beta7 sessions to beta8
- Improves ServerManager GUI
- Adds text labels to ports and cities in the default North Sea, Baltic Sea and Clyde marine region configurations
- Assorted code refactoring (more to come)
- Note: beta8 servers are to an extent backwards compatible with beta7 clients.
No change
11 Mar 2021
- Fixes crash when clicking on a bit of geometry (to open the Properties window) that has null value metadata in it.
- Orders layers within the Layer Select Window alphabetically.
No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
5 Mar 2021
- Fixes server log-in problem for users who get 'Device note supported' warning
No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
No change (this is a client-only hotfix release)
1 Mar 2021
- Thoroughly revised server communication
- New feature: lots of tooltips everywhere
- Improved general GUI design of the Plans Monitor
- New feature: Plans Monitor has a Layers tab showing registered geometry changes
- Assorted bug fixes
First public release
First public release
25 Nov 2020
- Improved security concerning communication with server
- Assorted bug fixes, notably with the in-app browser plugin
In private beta testing
In private beta testing
5 Oct 2020
- New feature: Time View Control (review data layers per simulated month)
- For the first time with an additional macOS build
- Graphics Options menu now already available at server login screen
- Minor text updates throughout the interface
- Assorted bug fixes
In private beta testing
In private beta testing
22 Jul 2020
- Refreshed overall graphical user interface
- Improved interface design of the Plans Monitor
- Options for country specific or sea-basin wide data displays
- Optionalised energy distribution option (Step 2b in the Plan Wizard)
- Updated server login screen
- Updated Credits screen
- Assorted bug fixes
In private beta testing
In private beta testing
10 Mar 2020
- Fixes minor bugs, mostly in editing mode related to energy
- Adds minor features, notably filtering options in the Objectives Monitor
None, not released.
None, not released.
26 Nov 2019
- Fixes minor bugs
- Improves installer
None, not released.
None, not released.
3 Sep 2019
None, not released.
None, not released.