The default North Sea and Baltic Sea editions of MSP Challenge have an energy simulation running in the background.

The core energy simulation software is generic (meaning it doesn't depend on a specific region) and was developed by Breda University of Applied Sciences' Kevin Hutchinson, based on collaborations with several colleagues (notably Carlos Santos and Wilco Boode) and external advisors (notably Lodewijk Abspoel and Thomas Aksan). As a separate application, it takes input data from the MSP Challenge server on the different energy grids designed in the edition at hand, calculates how much of the maximum capacity generated can actually reach the country or countries at hand given the planned energy infrastructure, and feeds back that output data to the server again. This is again done each simulated month, making this another discrete-event simulation. The application that handles this energy input, throughput and output is called CEL, standing for ...

  • Read more about CEL's design and implementation in this paper written for and presented at the ESM 2018 conference in Ghent, Belgium.
This page was last edited on 29 August 2019, at 09:25. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.