To get the MSP Challenge server up and running on Linux, in the form of Docker containers, please do the following:

  1. Get your hands on a (sub-)domain name and make sure it refers to the IP address of your Linux machine. This means defining an A record in the domain's DNS settings, through some DNS-setting tool that your domain or hosting provider should provide.
  2. Log on to your Linux machine using SSH. You could use Putty for this, a free SSH client for Windows. Be sure the account you use to log onto the machine has full superuser privileges. It's easiest if you switch to the root user by running:
    • sudo -i
  3. Make sure the Linux package index and then the actual Linux packages are all up-to-date. Type and enter the following command:  
    • apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
  4. Follow these instructions to install the Docker Engine on your Linux machine: It should be pretty straightforward, a matter of pasting and running a handful of commands (~5 minutes).
  5. Next, install PHP. Type and enter the following command:
    • apt-get install php8.1-fpm -y
This page was last edited on 3 October 2023, at 15:58. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.