"restrictions": { "NS_Shipping_Routes|NS_Countries": [ { "message": "Shipping routes should not cross over land.", "value": "", "type": "WARNING", "starttype": "", "endtype": "", "startlayer": "NS_Shipping_Routes", "endlayer": "NS_Countries", "sort": "INCLUSION" } ] }
Field | Type | Description |
[key] | string | The array key is used to uniquely name the restriction. We've opted to use the format 'layer1 | layer2' as shown in the example above. Only used in the client's library of restrictions. |
message | string | Message shown when the restriction takes place, i.e., the geometry of the two layers collide / overlap. |
value | float | Currently unused. |
type | string | Only options are:
INFO, purely informative message, nothing more. WARNING, which turns the message yellow, but does not block the player/user from finalising the plan (setting to approved/approval). ERROR, which turns the message red, and forces the player/user to take action. |
starttype | string | String representation of an integer, referring to the startlayer's type key/identifier. Can be empty. If set, then the restriction will only occur if the user/player selected that particular layer's type when drawing/editing (over that) geometry. |
endtype | string | String representation of an integer, referring to the endlayer's type key/identifier. Can be empty. If set, then the restriction will only occur if the user/player selected that particular layer's type when drawing/editing (over that) geometry. |
startlayer | string | One of the two colliding/overlapping layers on which this restriction applies. References a layer_name as set up under meta, so make sure the layer exists there. |
endlayer | string | One of the two colliding/overlapping layers on which this restriction applies. References a layer_name as set up under meta, so make sure the layer exists there. |
sort | string | Can only be INCLUSION or EXCLUSION. In practice we have only used INCLUSION so far.
When EXCLUSION is chosen, the startlayer and endlayer both have to be part of a plan for the restriction to be effective and thus trigger in case of collission / overlap of geometry. In case of INCLUSION, only the startlayer should be part of a plan, the endlayer does not have to be. |
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This page was last edited on 11 April 2024, at 15:06. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.