
Defining vector and raster data layers that should be shown in the appropriate left-hand side menu and might be referred to elsewhere in the configuration file.

Field Type Description
layer_name string name of the datalayer, not the display name, but the actual geodata name
layer_geotype string Type of Geometry "polygon", "point", "line", "raster"
layer_entity_value_max float Optional, representing the highest greyscale (black to white) value of a raster cell. Default is 1000.0, also when set to null. Other logical value is 255.0.
layer_short string What is the in-game name of the layer
layer_category string What category is this layer part of
layer_subcategory string What subcategory is this layer part of
layer_download_from_geoserver int Should GeoServer be called to attempt to obtain the layer data (regardless of the type)? 0 for no, 1 for yes (so the int functions as a boolean)
layer_width int width of the raster (Not sure if still used)
layer_height int Height of the raster (Not sure if still used)
layer_raster_material string Name of the shader used for this raster
layer_raster_filter_mode int 0 or 1, so int functions as a boolean.
layer_raster_pattern string The pattern used by the raster file, this can remain on default most of the tim
layer_raster_minimum_value_cutoff float The value where the raster drawing starts, this can be handy if the first part of the raster file should be transparent
layer_active int 0 or 1, functioning as a boolean. If inactive, then the layer wont be loaded by the server
layer_selectable int 0 or 1, functioning as a boolean. Can the layer be selected by the player (properties window)
layer_editable int 0 or 1, functioning as a boolean. Can the layer be edited by the player
layer_toggleable int 0 or 1, functioning as a boolean. Can the layer be toggled by the player (on/off)
layer_active_on_start int 0 or 1, functioning as a boolean. Is the Layer on by default when the game starts? (Countries, Bathymetry, EEZ)
layer_green int 0 or 1, functioning as a boolean. ENERGY: if the layer is uses an energy type in Special Editing then this defines whether it is part of the Green or Grey energy system
layer_tooltip string Additional information shown when hovering over a layer in the client windows.
layer_mediastring link to the wiki page of this layer  / type. The base URL is set in datamodel > wiki_base_url. The string must always be: "wiki://"+PageName e.g. "wiki://NS_EEZ"
layer_states object[] How long the geometry remains in a specific state
→ state string State reference: "Assembly" = construction time, "Active" = time before it is operational, "Dismantle" = time to remove
→ time int Time in months the state should last
layer_editing_type string Types for Energy (cable, transformer, socket, sourcepoint,sourcepolygonpoint), Multitypes and Protected Areas
layer_special_entity_type string Is it a shipping line or not
layer_depth int Layering position, the higher the number the further on top (2 = in front of 1)
layer_property_as_type string Optional string of the layer geometry feature property that should be read when determining the type, as further defined under layer_type below. Null if irrelevant.
layer_type object[] (with keys) Defining which types this particular layer should have (minimum one).
→ displayName string The name of the type being defined here that the user will actually see.
→ value int The highest value of a raster cell. Minimum 0, maximum 255 (requiring layer_entity_value_max to be set to 255.0) or 1000 (default, no layer_entity_value_max setting required).
→ map_type string Optional, but required when layer_property_as_type is not null, representing the value of the layer's geometry feature property defined under layer_property_as_type that should be mapped to this type. Null if irrelevant. Can be 'other' indicating a 'catch-all' type if none of the other types can be mapped to. Can also be an integer or float/decimal range, without spaces, and using - (dash) as a separator. E.g. 10-20.
layer_info_properties object[] Defining what and how feature property data should be shown to the user when clicking on the feature on the map.
→ property_name string The feature property present in the data table of this layer's source data.
→ enabled int 0 or 1 (so integer representation of a boolean) representing whether this feature property should be shown to the user at all.
→ editable int 0 or 1 (so integer representation of a boolean) representing whether the user should be able to change feature property value. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
→ display_name string The name that should replace the original property_name when showing it to the user (requires enabled to be 1).
→ sprite_name null NOT IMPLEMENTED
→ update_visuals bool Always false, NOT IMPLEMENTED
→ update_text bool Always false, NOT IMPLEMENTED
→ update_calculation bool Always false, NOT IMPLEMENTED
→ content_type int Always 0, NOT IMPLEMENTED
→ content_validation int Always 0, NOT IMPLEMENTED
→ default_value string representing what to show in case the source feature property data's value is null.
layer_tags string[] Tags used by Procedural Ocean to determine how to show this layer data and what to enable on it

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This page was last edited on 10 April 2024, at 14:27. Content is available under GPLv3 unless otherwise noted.